Professional Goldexploration 1983 - 1991
The Geologist David Knopf from Corsier has studied the area around Disentis after doing a literature review in 1983. He suspected, that in the sericite slate belts there was potential for gold deposits. In 1985 he contacted the discoverer of the Helmo-Gold, David R. Bell in Canada. Instantly the Canadian Company Micham Exploration Inc. was informed. Together with Karl Naert, the Director of the Canadian Company Narex, David Knopf continued the geological study of the area. The positive findings encouraged them to continue with the exploration. During 1986 and 1987 Narex und Micham trilled a total of 17 exploratory boreholes of between 200 to 250 metres depths. The bore cores were examined in a Canadian laboratory. Most of the findings were under 2 grams per tonne. In 1991 in Val Platta they discovered an 80 centimetres wide zone with 17 gram per tonne. Karl Naert died in plane crash in 1994. Despite some promising results all further exploration was discontinued.
Professional Goldexploration 2006 - 2011
In Geneva the company MinAlp was founded in 2006 with the Board of the Director President René Rigoleth. Four geologists were travelling to collect soil samples. The voters of Disentis approved in 2008 new regulations relating to mining in the mountains. The regulation outlines mining conditions and royalties of precious metals and other minerals. In 2009 the Company MinAlp SA was taken over by the Canadian Company Murray Brook Minerals Inc. The President Jean-Jacques Treyvaud was convinced that based on the findings of the studies undertaken over several years, that the chances for gold mining was positive. The proposal was to develop detailed plans for 60 square kilometres. This was supposed to be followed by 10 exploratory boreholes with different inclined angels with a total of 6000 metres. For this exploration work 2.5 million Swiss Francs was budgeted. On the 10th of September 2011 it was announced due to lack of finance that further exploration was stopped.
Professional Goldexploration 2006 - 2012
In September 2011 the NV Gold Corporation with its head office in Vancouver applied for an Exploration Licence for the Medel / Lukmagn region. The local government welcomed the interest by the CEO John Edward Watson. At the same time NV Gold Corporation set up subsidiary branch Swiss Gold Exploration based in Curaglia in Val Medel. On the 3rd of February 2012 Ernst Schönbächler from the board of Swiss Gold Exploration released some promising results from tests undertaken in autumn of rock surface samples. Swiss Gold Exploration applied to extend and expand the licence for the areas of Disentis, Sumvitg und Trun. On Sunday 1st of April the citizens of Val Medel refused the application to renew the licence with 2/3 of voters voting against it.
Professional Goldexploration 2014
In April 2014, the Val Medel electorate passed a new mining law. A rejection was given to professional gold mining.
Gold Washing
Charles Bucher and Ferdinand Bösch were the first people of more recent times who started gold washing again around Disentis since 1986. A further group of gold prospectors started working a bit later with a sluice. In three days they found 140 grams of gold in the river bed. From Belgian they brought in an 8-inch-dredge including a Nelson-Concentrator and lots of hoses. This was too much for local government officials in Disentis and they banned gold washing. I read about the Canadian gold prospectors in 1988 in the newspaper. This stimulated my interest and I started reading books from the technical college in Zürich. I put together my own equipment to go gold prospecting. In the first season the only person gold washing I encountered was Charles Bucher. He gave me some great tips for successful gold washing. 1989 some other hobby gold washer started prospecting in the area and we jointly searched through the local canyons and valleys looking for gold. In 1995 I set up my business running gold washing courses in Disentis and made my hobby into my profession.
1n 1996 I found the «Desertina Nugget» in the Rhine Medels. With a weight of 48.7 grams it remains the largest gold nugget found in the Rhine Medel. In 1997 a gold nugget weighing 123.1 grams was found laying under an plaine looking rock at the river try of the Anterior Rhine.